Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta son considerados de los pocos dúos acústicos que hay en España haciendo blues viejuno y representando así la esencia sonora de la época. Han recorrido numerosos festivales de blues en Francia, España y por Europa, como Noruega y Svalbard. Siguen sin parar de recorrer caminos por aquí y por allá siempre dejando huella allí donde van...
Sweet Marta & Johnny BigStone te trasladarán a principios del siglo XX representando canciones de los esclavos afroamericanos que se caracterizan por su aire melancólico con letras sobre problemas sociales y personales. Delta blues, Piedmont blues y Old time country son algunos de los estilos que hacen, interpretando artistas como Jazz Guillum, Reverend Gary Davis, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake, entre otros.. un tren que no puedes perder!!
Johnny Big Stone & Sweet Marta are considered one of the few acoustic duos in Spain playing "Old Blues" and representing the sound essence of the time. They've played in many blues festivals in France, Spain and throught Europe like a,Norway and Svalbard. They travel non-stop here and there, always leaving their mark wherever they go...
Sweet Marta & Johnny BigStone will transport you to the beginning of the 20th century and performing songs of black slaves plantation that these spoke about personal and social problems. Sounding the locomotive with rhythms and melodies of different styles within the genre as Delta blues, Piedmont blues and Old-time country. In their repertoire performing artists such as Jazz Guillum, Reverend Gary Davis, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Blind Blake, and others. A train can't lose...